You may remember Elliott Peck’s name from Midnight North the band she fronts with Grahame Lesh. This project however is more personal and the songs are mostly her own. The record features an all-star cast of a backing band, a …
Keller is one of those guys we’ve been dying to have on the show, because he is so unique in his musical approach, while performing so many different types of music. He is an artist in the truest sense of …
Lindsay Lou and her band the Flatbellys have been mainstays of the current neo-bluegrass revival. Her recognizable sound is both memorable and refreshing. As a woman on the newgrass scene, there are no doubt hurdles she has to overcome to …
I think you’ll agree that Sister Sparrow’s voice is absolutely incredible, and this songstress’s past efforts with her band mates the Dirty Birds have all been awesome soulful efforts. This record though, GOLD, marks a change, having written all of …
Amy Helm’s sophomore release, This Too Shall LIght is a gorgeous record, that taps into Amy’s wonderful spirit, her undeniable voice and a selection of songs that are both personal and important. Though this is only her second solo record, …
Though not a household name to many, decker. has been toiling as a singer songwriter for just under a decade in Sedona, Arizona. It’s from that vibrant landscape that his words and playing are fused into a sort of …
In 1972, Ray Charles released "A Message for the People", a record, that combined his soul and R&B style with some distinctly country nuance. The album, now out of print is filled with really important, socially conscious songs delivered in …
We first heard about Liz Cooper and The Stampede from our pal Steve. He sent us a link to an AudioTree Live session, and we liked it and so too did over 220,000 people. We’ve been jonesing to get her …
After talking to Grahame and Elliott of Midnight North about that record, I decided to check out where they were playing after Peach Festival. Turned out that they would be only 4 hours away in Canandaigua, New York, so technical …
Just over a year ago, we chatted with Grahame Lesh about the release of Midnight North’s record “Under the Lights”. Since that time, Midnight North has been reasonably busy, playing tour dates, festivals, and making various media appearances. With news …
I’ve been following Rayland Baxter’s career ever since his debut Feathers and FishHooks, an album I wore out, if you could do such a thing to a CD or digital files. What I appreciate most about Rayland is his attention …
Ben Caplan recently released “Old Stock” a collection of songs that he wrote with fellow collaborators for a musical called “Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story”. As you heard, this baritone voiced artist is a songwriter, performer and wild entertainer. …
Ethan Miller the principle behind Howlin Rain is one of those dudes, who doesn’t just make great music, he makes a lot of it. Not only that, but aside from writing and composing the band’s music he also oversees virtually …
If you aren't familiar with the California Honeydrops they are a 7 piece ensemble that started as a busking duo. It's been 11 years since multi-instrumentalist Lech Wierzynski and percussionist Ben Malament were two dudes in the Oakland subway system. …
Allen Stone 8 years into a career has already put out two records, and has sights on putting out a third this year. This Soul singer has a lot to say, and recently appeared on American Idol as a guest …