Good at Losing Everything is the latest album from The Ghost of Paul Revere, a great band out of Maine, that we absolutely adore. They are a little bit holler folk, straight ahead folk, but mostly good ole' rock n roll, and frankly that's why we love them so. The title track, and the entire album ebbs and flows through their sonic journey, with the human condition in toe, bound up in the pain of loss, love, and life in the band's lyrics. Had the awesome opportunity to sit down with Griffin Sherry, the front man of the band that is ostensibly all boyhood friends. This is a must tune record, one that has been completed for a while, but only released today and that's where our conversation started, when I asked about the long wait the band had to endure before the record was released.Now while Griffin wasn't necessarily being coy with me, at the time of recording, we didn't have all the details yet for "Almost Ghostland", a live streamed event over the Labor Day weekend beginning Thursday September 3rd. The band will play Good at Losing Everything in its entirety that night, and on the following nights have a whole bunch of cool things planned. For more information you can visit
First Song: 00:56: Good At Losing Everything
Interview Begins: 04:30
Extro Song: 32:20: Love At Your Convenience
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