It’s getting harder and harder these days to figure out what genre any band fits into. Take Lotus for example. Are they Electronica, Jamtronica, a jam band, a disco band? Who the hells knows. One thing is for certain though, they are wicked good at what they do, and their forthcoming release Free Swim is an absolute sonic delight. I don’t just throw that out there, I’ve listened to Free Swim several times, and I have to say it truly is one of their best albums to date, and perhaps one of my favorite of 2020. So I had to catch up with Jesse Miller to talk about the new record, it’s inspiration, the songs, and all the twists and turns Free Swim takes. Our conversation started when I asked Jesse, if after 9 albums, countless live releases and EPs, if making a record, their 10th in fact is still an important endeavour.
First Song: 00:56: Catacombs
Interview Begins: 07:27
Extro Song: 29:52 - Bjorn Gets a Haircut
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