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March 22, 2019

Chris Turpin from Ida Mae

Chris Turpin from Ida Mae

I first heard about Ida Mae, when I actually heard them open for the Marcus King Band here in Toronto back in November. I was impressed by the duo, who combine an acoustic rock sound with a gentler country blues thing. The couple's chemistry is something to be hold, and before any rumours start, Chris Turpin and Stephanie Jean are in fact married. They have received critical acclaim already from Rolling Stone magazine and other media outlets. Their debut record Chasing Lights isn't out until June, but in the interim, they are on the road opening for Blackberry Smoke. You definitely will want to check them out on the road, and check out their album when it comes out. It's best if you follow Ida Mae or social media or check their website at for more information.

I first heard about Ida Mae, when I actually heard them open for the Marcus King Band here in Toronto back in November. I was impressed by the duo, who combine an acoustic rock sound with a gentler country blues thing. The couple's chemistry is something to be hold, and before any rumours start, Chris Turpin and Stephanie Jean are in fact married. They have received critical acclaim already from Rolling Stone magazine and other media outlets. Their debut record Chasing Lights isn't out until June, but in the interim, they are on the road opening for Blackberry Smoke. You definitely will want to check them out on the road, and check out their album when it comes out. It's best if you follow Ida Mae or social media or check their website at for more information.

Show Notes:

First Song: 00:55 - My Girl Is A Heartbreak

Interview Begins: 4:41

Extro Song: 29:13 - If You Don't Love Me

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