It's an interesting time for Dopapod after a year long hiatus. They are set to get back at it, publicly, and on stage April 27th at the Capitol Theatre. We've been following them quite closely and are a fan of their electronic-ish, progrock-ish, jamband sound, so we were excited to hear that the boys were getting back together to make it work once again. I caught up with Rob and Eli a few weeks back, and at the time, the focus was on the April 27th show, and we didn't even know Emit Time was coming out, even though, as you'll soon hear, we poked and prodded for any information. For more info drop in to
It's an interesting time for Dopapod after a year long hiatus. They are set to get back at it, publicly, and on stage April 27th at the Capitol Theatre. We've been following them quite closely and are a fan of their electronic-ish, progrock-ish, jamband sound, so we were excited to hear that the boys were getting back together to make it work once again. I caught up with Rob and Eli a few weeks back, and at the time, the focus was on the April 27th show, and we didn't even know Emit Time was coming out, even though, as you'll soon hear, we poked and prodded for any information. For more info drop in to
First Song: 00:55 - Numbers Need Humans
Interview Begins: 5:33
Extro Song: 29:20 - Test of Time
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