While we've had Moon Hooch on the show before, their new album "Life on Other Planets" created an opportunity to once again explore this trio of musicians, who are making incredibly impressive music that is certainly undefinable. There are odes to Jazz, R&B, rock and EDM, but when you put that all in a blender, the sound is more robust than those genres. Then when you think about the instrumentation of the band, which includes two horn players and a drummer, not to mention a whole bunch of synths and midi sequences being fired, well, there is a lot to discuss. So we got in touch with Mike Wilbur, a third of the trio and half of the writing team, to discuss Moon Hooch, where they are at and where they are headed.
While we've had Moon Hooch on the show before, their new album "Life on Other Planets" created an opportunity to once again explore this trio of musicians, who are making incredibly impressive music that is certainly undefinable. There are odes to Jazz, R&B, rock and EDM, but when you put that all in a blender, the sound is more robust than those genres. Then when you think about the instrumentation of the band, which includes two horn players and a drummer, not to mention a whole bunch of synths and midi sequences being fired, well, there is a lot to discuss. So we got in touch with Mike Wilbur, a third of the trio and half of the writing team, to discuss Moon Hooch, where they are at and where they are headed.
Show Notes:
First Song: 01:01 - Nonphysical
Interview Begins: 05:23
Extro Song: 38:49 - Candlelight
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