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July 11, 2024

Matisyahu with Adam Weinberg

Matisyahu with Adam Weinberg

Last week, roots reggae musician Matisyahu dropped the Hold the Fire Acoustic EP and yes as the name suggests these are stripped down acoustic versions of the songs on the EP by the same name. This acoustic EP also features collaborator Adam Weinberg. A very poetic and poignant song for the times we’re living in. Matisyahu’s touring woes and the blatant anti-semitism he faces on tour have been well documented here and elsewhere, but true to his craft and his supportive community he sojourns on. I caught up with Matisyahu and Adam Weinberg to talk about the inspiration behind releasing acoustic music, what’s next in for Matisyahu and I even asked collaborator Adam Weinberg the status of his solo material. 


First song: Lifeline

Second song: End of the World


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