Featured Songs:
1. 00:38 - Goose - Creatures - 06-18-20 - The Solarium - Somewhere, CT
2. 05:56 - Aqueous - 6s and 7s - 08-08-20 - Silver Lake Twin Drive In - Perry, NY
3. 17:24 - Twiddle - Lost In The Cold - 08-16-20 - Champlain Valley Exposition - Essex, VT
4. 34:23 - Pigeons Playing Ping Ping - Dawn A New Day - 08-21-20 - Line In Drive In - Philadelphia, PA
5. 39:23 - Umphrey’s McGee - No Diablo - 09-06-20 - At the Drive In - Seat Geek Stadium - Bridgeview, IL
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