Featured Songs:
Featured Songs:
First Song: 00:38 - Gov’t Mule - Lay of the Sunflower - 09-24-19 - The Fillmore - Detroit, Michigan
Second Song: 07:37 - Railroad Earth - Like a Buddha - 09-28-19 - Huck Finn Jubilee - Ontario, California
Third Song: 21:08 - Spafford - Comfortable - 10-03-19 - Zanzabar Lounge - Louisville, Kentucky
Fourth Song: 27:34 - Greensky Bluegrass - Second that Emotion - 10-03-19 - Avondale Brewing Company - Birmingham, Alabama
Fifth Song: 32:12 - Billy Strings - Labor of Love - 10-04-19 - Lodge Room - Los Angeles, California
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