Featured Songs:
Featured Songs:
First Song: 00:38 - Goose - Hot Tea > Dancing in the Moonlight > Hot Tea - Grand Rapids, MI - 03-06-20
Second Song: 20:47 - DSO - Black Throated Wind - Pisgah Brewing Company - Black Mountain, NC - 08-17-19
Third Song: 26:52 - Midnight North - Tumbling Dice - Ardmore Music Hall - Ardmore, PA - 11-7-19
Fourth Song: 32:08 - JRAD - He’s Gone - Wellmont Theatre - Montclair, NJ - 03-15-19
Fifth Song: 41:18 - Jerry Garcia - Waiting For A Miracle - Poplar Creek Music Theatre - Hoffman Estates, IL - 09-16-89 (Garcia Live Vol.13)
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