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Jan. 25, 2018

Episode 75: Oliver Wood of the Wood Brothers

Episode 75: Oliver Wood of the Wood Brothers

The Wood Brothers 6th full length album One Drop of Truth, is already an early contender for one of my favorite records of 2018. Seriously, its that good. Which really shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone, considering how talented the Wood Brothers are. One Drop of Truth is due out February 2nd, and you really should listen to it at least once. I’ve worn the digital copy out, if there is even such a thing, playing it a ton in the car. For those that don’t already know the Woods brothers are a trio of made up of Oliver and Chris Wood and Jano Rix. I recently caught up with Oliver Wood, the lesser known of the Wood brothers in some circles, because many know his brother’s work in jazz trio Medeski, Martin and Wood. I’ve chatted with Oliver before, so it was great to hear his signature voice on the line. Our conversation started when I asked Oliver about the eclectic nature of this new record even though River Takes the Town is so much of their signature sound……   For more on the Wood Brothers including tour information visit

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