While we have the memories and the music, the fact that so many great moments in our scene’s history have been captured on film in photos is another added bonus. More to the point, those that continue to document the ebbs and flows of the scene in photographs are doing incredible work. Thats the case for Bob Minkin who has spent decades following and photographing all of our beloved musicians and their fans. For him, it was a dream to move out to Marin County in northern California, to live amongst the community in its fiery core. And while he didn’t make out west from Brooklyn until 1990, he had been dreaming of that very thing from an early age, and as he recounts, it all started back in ‘77. What’s notable about Bob Minkin is that he continues to document the Marin County music scene and for that we should all be grateful. If you have a chance, check out themusicneverstoppedbook.com and for more on Bob and his work visit minkinphotography.com. You can listen to this episode below, or by connecting and subscribing to one of the podcast platforms here or search your favorite podcast platform for “The Sound Podcast”; Itunes: http://bit.ly/sndpodi TuneIn: http://bit.ly/sndti Stitcher: http://bit.ly/sndsti GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/sndplay Check out The Sound Podcast on Youtube, and subscribe today. Get The Sound Podcast for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/the-sound-podcast/id1255563328?mt=8 Get The Sound Podcast for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nobexinc.wls_2975722995.rc&hl=en
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