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June 6, 2018

Episode 110: Grateful Dean (Dean Sotille)

Episode 110: Grateful Dean (Dean Sotille)

With well over 350 Grateful Dead, and Dead related shows under his belt, Grateful Dean as he’s known online brings a fresh, genuine and often hilarious take to the official home of unofficial Grateful Dead and Music News. In our candid conversation Dean gives us a bit of his background, and explains why he does what he does, not matter what the haters say. We dig this cat, and you will too.

With well over 350 Grateful Dead, and Dead related shows under his belt, Grateful Dean as he’s known online brings a fresh, genuine and often hilarious take to the official home of unofficial Grateful Dead and Music News. In our candid conversation Dean gives us a bit of his background, and explains why he does what he does, not matter what the haters say. We dig this cat, and you will too.

**First Song:** 00:45 – Walking The Dog (Grateful Dead)

**Interview Begins:** 05:49

**Extro Song:** 50:46 – Cumberland Blues (Dead & Co.)

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