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Nov. 18, 2019

Chadwick Stokes

Chadwick Stokes

For the uninitiated Chadwick or Chad Stokes is a member of neo-reggae folk band Dispatch but last week he released his third solo album with the Pintos, his backing band. Chad has always been a prolific writer, who is socially and political conscious. This album though is not only politically motivated, but many of the songs show a more tender side too. So it’s with that we got in touch with Chad for a really great conversation. You can learn about Chadwick and the Pistols upcoming tour dates and more at

For the uninitiated Chadwick or Chad Stokes is a member of neo-reggae folk band Dispatch but last week he released his third solo album with the Pintos, his backing band. Chad has always been a prolific writer, who is socially and political conscious. This album though is not only politically motivated, but many of the songs show a more tender side too. So it’s with that we got in touch with Chad for a really great conversation. You can learn about Chadwick and the Pistols upcoming tour dates and more at

Show Notes:  

First Song: 00:14 - Joan of Arc

Interview Begins: 05:28 

Extro Song: 35:45 - Chaska

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