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Sept. 30, 2019

Brian Moss of Spafford

Brian Moss of Spafford

Spafford dropped their EP The Gaff Tapes late last week, specifically on as a preview for fans who wanted to see what they were up to. Today that EP is available everywhere you listen to music. Like me, fans on-line got very excited about the new tunes and were anxious to share their thoughts on them. We've always had a great relationship with the band, so we decided to get in touch with Brian Moss, the band's guitar player, and one of their vocalists to discuss The Gaff Tapes and the band's plans for their upcoming fall and winter tour. Our conversation started, when I asked Brian why the quartet decided to put out this EP now. For more information on The Gaff Tapes and their tour schedule visit

Spafford dropped their EP The Gaff Tapes late last week, specifically on as a preview for fans who wanted to see what they were up to. Today that EP is available everywhere you listen to music. Like me, fans on-line got very excited about the new tunes and were anxious to share their thoughts on them. We've always had a great relationship with the band, so we decided to get in touch with Brian Moss, the band's guitar player, and one of their vocalists to discuss The Gaff Tapes and the band's plans for their upcoming fall and winter tour. Our conversation started, when I asked Brian why the quartet decided to put out this EP now. For more information on The Gaff Tapes and their tour schedule visit

Show Notes:  

First Song: 00:14 - Be Strange

Interview Begins: 05:55

Extro Song: 27:34 - Comfortable

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